National Tree Day is Australia’s largest community tree-planting and nature care event, and will be held on July 30. The day provides an opportunity to do something positive for your local environment and community, and to reconnect with nature.
Weddin Landcare will be holding a plant giveaway from Monday 24th at Weddin Community Native Nursery (WCNN). Tree and shrub tube stock will be available for free for Weddin Shire landholders (limit of five per household). The nursery is located at 45 East Street, is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm, and can be contacted on 0456 879 481.
WCNN specialises in the propagation of endemic plants of the Weddin Shire, and providing advice on the use and care of endemic plantings in our landscape. If you would like to learn more about local species of native plants and could donate some of your time, WCNN is looking for volunteers to help out with a range of nursery activities.