Weddin Landcare is holding a Wonderful Wattles exhibition as part of our 2025 Wattle Day celebrations and is calling for community members to submit artwork, sculptures, ceramics, and memorabilia. The exhibition will also be the base for launching the Wattles of Weddin handbook, detailing all the Acacia species in the Weddin district and where to find them.
The Wonderful Wattle exhibition will celebrate all the colour, vibrancy, diversity, and important ecological value that Wattles hold in our local landscapes.
Weddin Landcare has been raising awareness about Wattles through our annual Wattle Day celebrations since 2011 and we hope to outdo ourselves next year with not only the art exhibition but also the launch of the Wattles of Weddin handbook. The handbook will be a local field guide that will make it easy to identify 35 species of acacia found in the Weddin district and be launched during the exhibition.
This is a great opportunity to show some of your work (or create something new!) or share a piece of memorabilia that means something to you and help promote the wonders of Wattles.
If you have a wattle-themed artwork or memorabilia that you would like to have included in the exhibition we would love to hear from you!

The exhibition will run from Friday 25 July to Wednesday 3 September 2025 at the Grenfell Art Gallery in the Community Hub, Main Street, Grenfell. Set up for the exhibition is on Thursday 24 July and pack down on Thursday 4 September.
All artwork will be reviewed by Weddin Landcare and the Art Gallery Committee prior to display.
There are a couple of requirements for artworks that are to be hung, they need to be no smaller than A4 and either framed or stretched canvas. Large stretched canvas pieces are to have D hooks ¼ of the way down on both sides. There will be other options available for smaller works on plinths or in a display cabinet.
You are also welcome to list your artwork for sale, with the Grenfell Art Gallery taking a 20% commission.
Get in touch with Claire with any questions at or 0421 716 170.
If you have a piece you would like to submit to the exhibition please enter your details below. The information provided will be used for artwork labels to be included in the display.
Submissions close Friday 27 June 2025