Weddin Landcare are working with three local landowners on our Ooma Creek Tributary Riparian Restoration project with the goal of providing protection and creation of valuable riparian habitat, reduce streambank erosion and help to improve water quality downstream in the Ooma Creek catchment and beyond. The funding is being provided through the Local Land Services Landcare Riparian Restoration Grant, a special round of funding offered by Local Land Services in conjunction with Landcare NSW in 2022 to Landcare groups across NSW.

On-ground works have begun, with the fencing on Mitton’s site being completed this month and fencing preparations underway on Hetherington’s site. Works on Amery’s site have been held up due to the loss of Soil Conservation Service staff in the Central West region, who had been engaged to build the leaky weirs. Alternative contractors have now been engaged and we hope to begin work on this site soon.
Photo: Peter Mitton
The trees and shrubs for all three sites have been grown by the Weddin Community Native Nursery and in July we are holding a revegetation field day on Mitton’s site, which will include demonstrations of tree planting techniques with assistance from members of the community to help plant the site. This will be a great opportunity for volunteers to help out with a real project and contribute positively to the local environment.
Photo: Melanie Cooper

If you’re keen to get involved in our revegetation workshop and tree planting day click here.
This project is proudly supported by Local Land Services and Landcare NSW