Weddin Landcare are pleased to announce that they have gained funding to undertake riparian restoration works on three tributaries of the Ooma Creek. Weddin Landcare will receive $50,000 to assist three landholders undertake the works which will involve woody weed removal, fencing to control stock access to the creeks, revegetation of the riparian area and several leaky weirs to help stabilise the bed and banks of one section of creek. This will provide protection and creation of valuable riparian habitat, reduce streambank erosion and help to improve water quality downstream in the Ooma Creek catchment and beyond.
The funding is being provided through the Local Land Services Landcare Riparian Restoration Grant, a special round of funding offered by Local Land Services in conjunction with Landcare NSW in 2022 to Landcare groups across NSW. Weddin Landcare worked with the three landholders involved to apply for the funding, with the successful application announced in late December.
The project builds on a highly successful project conducted almost 20 years ago in the Ooma Creek Catchment, which saw 5km of riparian land protected across four properties and around 7,000 tress planted as a group effort. Vice chair of Weddin Landcare and advocate for the Ooma Creek Catchment area, Clemence Matchett, has seen the benefits of riparian enhancement on her own property and was integral in developing the current project, which will benefit others.
The current project will see 3.18km (around 28.5Ha) of creekline restored, with around 2,700 trees to be planted. Works for the project have already begun, with the plants being propagated by the Weddin Community Native Nursery.

Site 1 – Un-named tributary

Site 2 – Jump Up Rock Creek

Site 3 – Pinnacle Creek
This project is proudly supported by Local Land Services and Landcare NSW