Come along to welcome spring and learn about the wonderful Wattle species of the Weddin district.
Discover how they can be used in paddock-scale plantings to attract wildlife, improve biodiversity, sequester carbon and provide shelter and fodder benefits on farms.
The day will include an information session about wattles, direct seeding demonstrations and a field walk with plant and seed giveaways!
The bulk of the information sessions will run in the morning, and participants are welcome to finish up at 2 pm, after lunch. An additional paddock tour will be offered for those interested in viewing more of the large scale plantings from 2 pm until 4 pm.
Date: Friday 1 September
Time: 9am – 4pm
Venue: ‘Rosemont’ Holy Camp Rd Grenfell
Cost: FREE. Morning tea and lunch provided
RSVP: Melanie 0417 963 475 or