Join Weddin Landcare at ‘Rosemont’ Holy Camp Rd Grenfell for our annual Wattle Walk.
We have a really special presenter, Prof. Mark Adams, from Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne, who has done some ground-breaking work on the carbon sequestration qualities of wattles. His talk ‘Science of wattles in land management’ will be well worth listening to. Read more about Mark below.
You will learn about the unique role wattles play in the environment, the valuable production benefits gained by planting wattles and their importance for wildlife.
We will also do our usual wander through the fantastic wattles on Mikla and Wayne’s property to identify a range of local flowering wattles.
There will be some wattle-seed inspired morning tea, lunch and a free wattle for each participant.
Please BYO chair and water bottle. Long pants, sturdy footwear and a hat are also recommended for the walk.
Bookings required – contact Melanie on 0417 963 475.
This event is part of the Partnering in Private Land Conservation. A joint initiative delivered by Landcare NSW and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.