Weddin Grazing Group Field Day

Weddin Landcare will be hosting a field day for the Weddin Grazing Group on Wednesday 29 March from 9am – 3pm. 

With the assistance of Scott Hickman, the day aims to help graduates from our recent RCS Grazing Clinic to get started or fine tune their grazing systems. Scotty will cover questions that members of the group have put forward to help them overcome some hurdles they have experienced when implementing the theory from the RCS course. 

The field day is only for land holders/managers who have completed formal grazing management training, such as the RCS Grazing Clinic, RCS Grazing or Farming for Profit, Holistic Management or equivalent or those who have higher-level knowledge of holistic, regenerative practices. Participants will become part of an on-going Grazing Group, which will benefit from on-farm field days, connections with like-minded farmers/graziers, regular communications and access to exprienced regenerative farmers.

If you have not already been contacted and would like to be part of the Weddin Grazing Group, please contact Melanie on 0417 963 475 or email