Weddin Grazing Group June Meetup

The Weddin Grazing Group is getting together again for a winter meeting on:
Date: Tuesday 20 June
Time: 9:30am – 3pm
Venue: We will be hosted for the day by Charlie and Bec Maslin at “Caragabal West” 5847 Mid-Western Hwy Caragabal. The Maslin’s manage a larger property on floodplain country, running cattle and merinos on native and mixed pastures so it will be quite a different site and set of management issues to our last meeting.

For members of the group, it will be a great chance to catch up and hear how everyone is going for grass leading into winter.

There will be paddock walks to help assess fodder levels, animal management and health, tips on running sheep and cattle together and more.

Scott Hickman will attend the day to help answer questions and lead the discussions. Melanie and Scott will also be happy to share information they learnt from the Nicole Masters Workshop in Orange.

What to bring: your grazing chart if you need specific questions answered, notebook and pen, water, sunsafe clothing, chair. Weddin Landcare will provide morning tea and lunch.

If you have not attended a Grazing Group meeting before but would like to become involved in this supportive and informative group, please contact Melanie on 0417 963 475 to find out more.