Join Weddin Landcare and local florist Elyse from Paper Daisy Studio to create a Christmas wreath using fresh and dried native florals, that will last for years to come!
Date: Wednesday December 13
Time: 10 am to 12 pm
Venue: Weddin Community Native Nursery, 43 East Street, Grenfell NSW
What to expect
After a short introduction from Elyse to explain the materials and process, you will be shown how to design and handcraft a small floral wreath (18-20cms).
You will have the creative freedom to weave your own unique wreath. With a selection of blooms and foliage to choose from including paper daisies, strawflowers, gum, acacia, tea trees, rice flowers, billy buttons, and more.
Enjoy a cup of tea, coffee, and cake while you get into the festive spirit!
All materials are provided and no experience is necessary.
![Wreath Ingredients Wreath making materials](