Weddin Landcare
Caring for our local environment and rural communityWe are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to regenerating the landscape to support healthy ecosystems and agricultural production, protect our local flora and fauna and help our rural community thrive.
Wonderful Wattle Exhibition
at the Grenfell Art Gallery
Location: The Grenfell Art Gallery, Main Street, Grenfell
Contact: Claire at 0421 716 170
Other Upcoming Events
Volunteer to Plant Trees
Register for upcoming tree planting events
Volunteer at the Weddin Community Native Nursery
9am to 12pm, Tuesday to Saturday
Current Projects
Vaughn’s Dam Reserve Masterplan Finalised
Following several more individual consultations with interested neighbours and community members, the Masterplan for Vaughn's Dam Reserve has now been finalised. Sally Bourne has provided 1:500 and 1:1000 scale copies of the plan in both digital and hardcopy formats...
Completion of Ooma Riparian Restoration Project
Following one of the worst droughts in recent history came several years of heavier rain events, which caused significant erosion across the landscape and gouged the streambanks of Ooma Creek tributaries. To combat this issue Weddin Landcare assisted three landholders...
Birds, Bats and Bugs School Education Program
The 'Birds, Bats and Bugs – Engaging Schools in Ecosystem Benefactors' project was developed by Weddin Landcare in 2021, following the success of the Caragabal Bird Art Project with Caragabal Public School. The program has been running for three years and now involves...
Become a member
Why join Weddin Landcare?
Whether you’re a broadacre farmer, a school student or an urban resident we can provide support and connect you with experts or like-minded peers to help progress your environmental goals.
Landcare members can attend our meetings and nominate for our Weddin Landcare Steering Committee to help provide direction to Weddin Landcare projects and activities.
As a member you can also increase your knowledge, stay informed and take advantage of our resources.

Latest News
Wonderful Wattles Exhibition
Submit your artwork, sculpture or memorabilia for our upcoming exhibition.
2023-2024 Annual Report Released
Weddin Landcare have recently released their annual report for 2023-2024. The report summarises Weddin Landcare's achievements, events, projects and other activities over the past year. And what a year it has been! With $142,367.62 contributed to the local Weddin...
Weddin Landcare is celebrating Wattle Day 2024
Wattle Day will be held at Mikla Lewis and Wayne Lavers’ property ‘Rosemont’ near Grenfell on Friday August 23rd. Participants will be shown the incredible diversity and benefits of wattles to the landscape, and this year there will be a prize for best dressed, as...