Weddin Landcare
Caring for our local environment and rural communityWe are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to regenerating the landscape to support healthy ecosystems and agricultural production, protect our local flora and fauna and help our rural community thrive.
Wonderful Wattle Exhibition
at the Grenfell Art Gallery
Location: The Grenfell Art Gallery, Main Street, Grenfell
Contact: Claire at 0421 716 170
Other Upcoming Events
Strip ‘n Disc Cropping Systems Field Day
Date: Friday 4...
Book launch and Fungi Workshop with Alison Pouliot
Thursday 8th and Friday 9th May
Nature Writing Workshop
9 am to 4 pm, Thursday 5 June
Current Projects
Over the Fence
In late 2024, Weddin Landcare received funding for their project titled 'Over the Fence - Connecting farmers with farmers and other experts to increase local adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices in the Weddin district'. The project will run over two years...
Small Environmental Grants 2024
Applications closed
Catnets Enclosure Giveaway
Applications are now closed. Applications are being assessed by Weddin Shire Council and Weddin Landcare As part of the Keeping Cats Safe at Home initiative RSPCA NSW, Weddin Shire Council and Weddin Landcare are pleased to offer a new incentive to eligible cat owners...
Become a member
Why join Weddin Landcare?
Whether you’re a broadacre farmer, a school student or an urban resident we can provide support and connect you with experts or like-minded peers to help progress your environmental goals.
Landcare members can attend our meetings and nominate for our Weddin Landcare Steering Committee to help provide direction to Weddin Landcare projects and activities.
As a member you can also increase your knowledge, stay informed and take advantage of our resources.

Latest News
Weddin Landcare Newsletter
There is so much going on in our region at the moment - it's exciting! Find out about our latest projects and some great events you could attend by clicking on the link to the newsletter below. We also include some resources to watch, read, and listen to. Along with...
Weddin Landcare receives Australian Government grant to help farmers adopt climate-smart agricultural practices
The Climate-Smart Agriculture Program, under the Natural Heritage Trust, has announced the recipients of the Small Grants Round, which supports individuals, farming and community groups to carry out sustainable agricultural projects that support farmers and...
Building Healthy Communities Challenge
St Joseph's Primary School is bringing the community together as part of Western NSW Local Health District’s 2025 Building Healthy Communities Challenge. Grenfell was selected as a finalist in the 2025 Building Healthy Communities Challenge along with Manildra by an...