Weddin Landcare undertakes strategic planning on a regular basis to prioritise projects.
Weddin Landcare provides support with projects that address environmental or rural community issues including:
Regenerative agriculture I Sustainable farming and agribusiness I Biodiversity I Remnant vegetation protection and enhancement I Revegetation I Threatened species I Riparian management I Soil health I Grazing management I Erosion I Aboriginal Cultural Heritage I Weeds I Pest animals I Renewable energy I Sustainable living I Waste reduction and management
We can help you source financial assistance for your project and we also occasionally offer grants to landholders.
Funding for our projects and events is obtained from a variety of grants and sponsorship arrangements, with numerous funding applications submitted every year to target the focus project areas. Strategic planning is undertaken on an annual basis to plan and prioritise projects and activities for the year ahead.
Check out some of our current projects below.
Over the Fence
In late 2024, Weddin Landcare received funding for their project titled 'Over the Fence - Connecting farmers with farmers and other experts to increase local adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices in the Weddin district'. The project will run over two years...
Small Environmental Grants 2024
Applications closed
Catnets Enclosure Giveaway
Applications are now closed. Applications are being assessed by Weddin Shire Council and Weddin Landcare As part of the Keeping Cats Safe at Home initiative RSPCA NSW, Weddin Shire Council and Weddin Landcare are pleased to offer a new incentive to eligible cat owners...
Vaughn’s Dam Reserve Masterplan Finalised
Following several more individual consultations with interested neighbours and community members, the Masterplan for Vaughn's Dam Reserve has now been finalised. Sally Bourne has provided 1:500 and 1:1000 scale copies of the plan in both digital and hardcopy formats...
Completion of Ooma Riparian Restoration Project
Following one of the worst droughts in recent history came several years of heavier rain events, which caused significant erosion across the landscape and gouged the streambanks of Ooma Creek tributaries. To combat this issue Weddin Landcare assisted three landholders...
Birds, Bats and Bugs School Education Program
The 'Birds, Bats and Bugs – Engaging Schools in Ecosystem Benefactors' project was developed by Weddin Landcare in 2021, following the success of the Caragabal Bird Art Project with Caragabal Public School. The program has been running for three years and now involves...
Weddin Community Native Nursery
Weddin Community Native Nursery (WCNN) is a not-for-profit organisation managed by volunteers, and is a sub-committee of Weddin Landcare. The Nursery specialises in the propagation of plants endemic to the Weddin Shire and plays an important role in preserving the...
Grenfell Endemic Garden
The Grenfell Endemic Garden is one of our unique local resources and well worth a visit for a peaceful and informative wander. Featuring plants that are native to Grenfell and Central West NSW the garden was a labor of love by two local residents Noel Cartwright and...
Keeping Cats Safe at Home
Weddin Landcare is working together with Weddin Shire Council and RSPCA NSW to deliver the Keeping Cats Safe at Home project within the Weddin Shire, which is being funded by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust. Keeping Cats Safe at Home is an exciting...
Small Environmental Grants 2021
The 2017-2020 drought left a scar on our hearts, our finances and our landscape. To assist land managers be better prepared for the next drought, Weddin Landcare developed a special round of their Small Environmental Grants, which focuses on addressing and preventing...
If you would like to get involved in our projects or have a great idea for a project, please get in touch! If you aren’t a landholder but want to help with our projects, there are many other ways you can still contribute to Landcare, such as becoming a volunteer.